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The Opinion Score is a number from 0 to 1,000 that represents the power of your opinions. The more people and brands engaged and influenced by your opinions, the higher will be your Opinion Score.

When you post in social media, respond to surveys, join discussion groups, become part of an online community or make comments in OpinionsApp, you are expressing your opinions and also having the chance to influence others. As more engagement you get around your opinions (more people and brands listening and interacting with them) the higher can be your Opinion Score.

Quantity is important, but Quality even more.

Being active is important, but the quality of the information and opinions you share is what helps most your Opinion Score. The quality is measured based by the number of likes and approvals you receive from other people and brands who ask for your opinions, either through surveys, discussion groups or a simple question posted in OpinionsApp.

How can I improve my Opinion Score?

You can improve your score in several ways:

1) Joining discussions and exchanging Opinions with other people through OpinionsApp. The more likes you receive, more points you get and your score grows.

2) Posting questions and receiving Opinions from others also shows your ability to engage people and generate great opinions around a topic.

3) Responding to surveys. If your responses are validated, it helps increase your score.

4) Taking challenges. You are invited to evaluate products, services, retails, experiences and send your feedback and opinions. If your challenge is approved your score increases.

5) Expanding your network. As more followers you have, greater can be the amplification of your opinions, and therefore higher will be your score.

What can hurt my Opinion Score?

- Becoming inactive in OpinionsApp and Social Media

- Receiving unlikes in your comments from other people

- Having your surveys and challenges invalidated due to bad responses, speed or quality control issues.

How the Opinion Score is calculated?

Your Opinion Score is calculated based on data collected from different sources, as well as weight given to different variables:

- Opinions App – Followers, Likes, Opinions Shared, Opinions Received, Disliskes and Disapprovals.

- eCGlobal.com – Quality of Surveys and Challenges completed, as well as opinions shared in discussion topics and communities.

- Other Social Networks – if you connect your OpinionsApp account with other Social Networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, it can helps increase your score based on the number of likes and comments you receive from friends and followers in your posts and comments.

Your Opinion Score Level

Your Opinion Score can vary from “Beginner” to “Opinion Leader”, depending in the total number of points you obtain:

0-200 Beginner
201-400 Bronze
401-559 Silver
560-699 Gold
700-899 Platinum
900+ Opinion Leader

Opinion Score is for everyone.

Everyone has opinions and therefore an Opinion Score. No matter if you are very active in social media, or if you like or not to participate in surveys or discussion groups, you always have the chance to improve your Opinion Score, since your recent activity (in the last 90 days) has a big impact on your final score.

Opinion Score will keep evolving

There will always be new ways to express your opinions, engage with people, influence brands, and more ways for us to measure the impact of your opinions, so we will be working to incorporate them from time-to-time.

If you have any doubts regarding your Opinion Score, please contact our team at opinionscore@opinionsapp.com.br.

Opinion Score

Opinion Score new calculation to benefit and motivate more members of OpinionsApp

Given Opinions
What is it? How many points can I gain? How many points can I lose? How can I improve my score?
All of the opinions that you share at the feed on the area exchange opinions and experiences 100 - Being active and giving opinions on the topic of the feed that are relevant for you
What is it? How many points can I gain? How many points can I lose? How can I improve my score?
Received likes by the authors of the feed questions that you have given an opinion 150 - Give answers. If the posts' author gives you a like on your opinion, you sum points.
Received likes
What is it? How many points can I gain? How many points can I lose? How can I improve my score?
likes that you received in your opinions from all of the users 150 - Give relevant answers and make your influencial network bigger. The more you receive likes, more points you accumulate
What is it? How many points can I gain? How many points can I lose? How can I improve my score?
Received Dislikes by the authors of the feed questions that you have give an opinion - -100 Avoid using bad or inapropriated language. Focus on the discussed topic.
Received Dislikes
What is it? How many points can I gain? How many points can I lose? How can I improve my score?
Received Dislikes that you receive in your opinions from all of the users - -100 Give objective answers. The most important thing is to say what you think and to express your opinions in an authentic way.
Received Opinions
What is it? How many points can I gain? How many points can I lose? How can I improve my score?
All of the opinions that you received in your created posts in the feed from others users 150 - Produce relevant content. The more opinions you create, more points you gain.
Total users impacted
What is it? How many points can I gain? How many points can I lose? How can I improve my score?
Total of uniques users that have beem impacted by your opinions 150 - Invite frineds and acquaintances to the App. As many interaction you get from other people, more points you can receive.
Successfully Completed Opinions Research
What is it? How many points can I gain? How many points can I lose? How can I improve my score?
Participation in opinions research 150 - Stay Tuned to the opportunities of participating on reseraches on the area "Get eCPoints" or "Collect Diamonds".
Successfully Completed Challagens and Missions
What is it? How many points can I gain? How many points can I lose? How can I improve my score?
Challenges and missions participation to evaluate products, services and establishments 150 - Stay tuned to the opportunities of participating on challeges on the area "Accumulate eCPoints".
Reproved Opinion Research
What is it? How many points can I gain? How many points can I lose? How can I improve my score?
Researchs where you participated and have been disaproved 0 -100 Pay atention while answering to the research questions and there's no need to be in a hurry. There is no wrong or write answers, just be sincere.
Desaproved Challanges and Missions
What is it? How many points can I gain? How many points can I lose? How can I improve my score?
Challenge where you participated and have been disaproved 0 -100 Pay atention to the rules and instructions to fulfill the challenge. Send readable proofs, like pictures for exemple.